Remote Work Statistics 2022: Ultimate List (Updated)

remote work statistics 2021

If you’re looking to work remotely or are just curious about what it’s like, we have compiled the ultimate list of remote work statistics just for you. 

It can be hard to know what you’re getting into before you make that leap.

Don’t worry. We’ve all been there.

In fact, I am working from home right now. 

I wrote this article from the comfort of my home. 

Remote work sounds excellent in theory, the freedom of working from wherever you want. In practice, though, some pitfalls can make remote work less than ideal.

This post tackles this issue head-on with detailed remote work statistics by analysing recent studies and current trends in the industry.

We will provide you with complete information on the remote work statistics to better understand whether or not you want to make the jump.

This article has six different sections for your convenience. 

Let’s get started.

Section 1: Remote Work Trends Stats

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Remote work is on the rise. It’s not just a trend, but rather an expected state of business in the future.

It is becoming more and more popular as people and companies prioritise the flexibility that remote work provides. (You can read its benefits and challenges in Section 3 and 4)

Now; We will be looking at some of the most exciting stats about remote work trends.

1. Increase in the number of remote workers

According to reports, only about 20% of the employed adults worked remotely in the US before the pandemic started. The number grew to 71% after the pandemic outbreak. Out of those, around 54% want to work from home after the Covid episode is over. But only 38% of employed adults believe they can accomplish their tasks from home.

2. The rise in the number of companies offering remote jobs

There has been a significant increase in the number of businesses and companies providing remote positions since the Covid-19 outbreak. Around 55% of companies around the globe offer remote work, at least in some capacity. (We have a whole section on companies. Continue reading.)

3. Relocating to new areas

According to the National Association of Realtors reports, around 9 million Americans have relocated since the pandemic started. The Redfin data shows that more than two-thirds of Americans consider relocating to new areas if the job opportunities provide remote work indefinitely.

4. Rise of telecommuting

According to the State of Telecommuting reports, telecommuting has grown 115% within a decade. It is ten times faster than any other field. It shows that remote work is gaining more rapid momentum with each passing year.

5. Telecommuting workforce

Around 18% of the staff are telecommuting on a full-time basis. About 77% of the telecommuters report they are more productive while working remotely.

Section 2: Remote workers stats

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In today’s world of increasing globalisation, people are looking for ways to work remotely. Remote work is not for everyone, but it might be worth considering if you’re looking for a change in pace or have the right professional background.

There’s no better time than now to find out, so read on for more information.

1. Total number of remote workers

Around half of the total workforce around the globe worked full-time remotely during the pandemic. Just about 30% were working remotely before the pandemic as of now 48%. 

The majority of the workforce is likely to continue working remotely for some time, even after Covid-19. Reports have shown that 62% of employees expect their employer to allow them to work from home.  

2. Remote workers increased by 140% since 2005

The advances in technology have made it possible for everyone to work from the comfort of their own home. According to Global Workplace Analytics, the numbers show that this method has expanded ten times faster than any other workforce. Also, the stats show that full-time employees are four times more likely to be offered remote jobs than part-timers.

3. Total number of remote workers in the USA

Reports show that around 4.3 million people work from home at least half the time. The number has grown considerably following the lockdown in several states.

4. Flexible working hours

The pandemic has changed the working pattern of the employees. Reports have shown that workers with flexible working hours are more likely to stay with their current employers. Around 76% of workers prefer flexible working hours.

Almost 80% of full-time employees expect to work remotely at least three days per week when the companies can fully reopen after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Remote works mean regular video communication and meetings between the project members. Around 44% of workers didn’t feel the need to get dressed up for video chats and conferences.

5. Remote workers in Australia

The current pandemic has impacted every country around the world. 

Australia is no different as remote Australian employees constitute around two-thirds of its total workforce. It means about two-thirds of Australian employees are working from home.

6. Entitled Breaks

Working from home is undoubtedly different from working at an office. You may be used to taking breaks at certain hours in the office. But you may be confused about whether to take a break while working from home. 

Around 27% of remote staffs are comfortable taking their entitled breaks. (Read on to find out why you need to take regular breaks between intervals.)

7. Income and saving

Remote workers, on average, earn $4000 more per year. On the saving front, 30% of remote workers save above $5000 per year.

Similarly, companies also save a lot of money from hiring remote staffs. Stats show that companies save around $11000 annually for each employee that works half the time remotely.

Section 3: Remote working companies stats

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The remote work trend is becoming more popular, as more companies offer employees the opportunity to work from home. This increase is partly due to companies realising how much they can save on overhead costs and reduce distractions for their teams by hiring remote employees

Go through all the stats you need about remote working companies and businesses.

1. 44% of companies around the globe deny remote work

Remote work can be a great way to increase worker productivity and health in the workplace. But according to Owl Labs report, around 44% of companies doesn’t allow remote work at all.  

2. Small companies hire more full-time remote workers

Owl Labs statistics shows that small companies are twice as likely to employ full-time remote workers. Small companies benefit from this policy due to no expenses in building infrastructure and utilities. Sales companies hire 66% more remote workers on average.

3. Companies are increasing remote hiring workers

About 16% of companies around the globe are exclusively hiring remote workers. These are 100% remote companies. Remote workers free the companies from investing in infrastructure and utility expenses. About 27% of employers reported an increase in their business productivity.

4. Lower employee turnover

Most of the companies has adopted a remote work approach due to current circumstances. Reports show that companies allowing remote work have 25% lower employee turnover than those that don’t allow remote work.

5. Management of remote workers

Working from home comes with its baggage. Business owners and management may feel the need to check up on their employees constantly. These may lead to trust issues between the two. Around 31% of remote workers feel no need for ongoing management. They think they could be less managed.

6. Lower Operating Cost

Around 77% of employees believe remote work will help their business to operate on lower expenses.

Most companies don’t provide any provisions for the employees working from home. Only around 20-25% of companies paid or share the cost with employees for home office equipment and utilities.

7. Remote Collaboration 

The Covid-19 pandemic has made a lasting impact on the work culture. Around 47% of company leaders allowed full-time employees to work from home after the pandemic. 

Approximately 78% of a group of 669 CEOs agreed on remote collaboration as the long-term business strategy. 

About 30% of business leaders from the same group showed concern about maintaining the corporate culture.

Section 4: Remote Work Benefits Stats

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Remote work is one of the fastest-growing employment trends, and it’s expected to keep growing.

What’s driving this trend? Well, it could be that more people are working from home because they’re looking for a better work-life balance. 

The stats don’t lie.

It is becoming an increasingly popular way to find employment, and there’s no sign of it slowing down anytime soon.

So, let’s find out all the benefits and advantages associated with it.

1. Flexible Schedule

40% of remote workers feel the most significant benefit of working from home is the flexible schedule. No need to follow the rigid timeline of 9-5 offers them the flexibility to adjust their daily schedule.

2. Increased Productivity

 Around 78% of workers agreed that they are just as or more productive while working from home. Working from their setting and schedule helps them be more effective. Records have shown that workers are 24% more productive and happy when they work from home at least once a month. 

3. Higher Engagement

According to the Gallup State of the American Workplace report, the engagement levels are higher for remote workers at 32% compared to office workers at 28%. 

4. Better work-life balance

Remote workers often have a higher level of job satisfaction than their office counterparts because they can balance their professional lives with other aspects of life that might need attention.

Section 5: Remote Work Challenges & Solutions

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You might think of remote work as a fancy way of saying “working from home.” But there’s more to remote work than that.

Working remotely offers many benefits, but it’s not without its challenges. 

How do you know if you’re cut out for it? Are you ready to face any arising issues and challenges you might come across as a remote worker?

Here, I’m going to explore some of the statistics regarding the most common remote work challenges, offer creative solutions that have worked for others, and share what we’re doing at Wolfmatrix to find harmony in our home office.

1. Boredom

Working from home certainly ain’t easy as it sounds. You might like the idea of working from your own room and settings. But it certainly has its challenges. 

Many remote workers faced boredom while working from home for an extended period.

You may be excited at first to work from home. But after certain periods, you may feel cooped up inside your room. Since there’s nowhere else to go due to lockdown right now, you may feel frustrated.

The Solution:

Take a break from work at regular intervals. Do some stretching or take a walk along the corridor. 

About 37% of remote workers confessed taking breaks at certain intervals help them to refresh and refocus.

We, at Wolfmatrix, do pushup at certain hours during the daytime to break the monotony. Just a message on Slack by any team member reminds everyone it’s time for some exercise. (More on Slack in our next section)

2. Withdrawing from work 

The biggest obstacle for many people and companies who want to work remotely is finding the perfect balance between the physical distance you maintain from your job and maintaining a healthy work/life balance.

Around 22% of employees struggled with unplugging after a day’s work. They found it hard to balance their professional and personal life while working from home.  

A simple solution: Make a schedule and follow it no matter what. 

Following a daily schedule helps you to prioritise the tasks. After completing the tasks, spend the remaining time with your family members and doing indoor stuff you love.   

3. Lack of social interactions

Most of us want to be in the company of family and friends. Our daily social interactions and activities with them help us to relax and unplug from our work. So, it isn’t surprising that many of us struggle while being stuck at home.

According to 19% of workers, loneliness was their biggest challenge. Lack of socialisation affected them and their outcome.

I’m not going to lie to you.

I, too, miss my daily interactions and talks with my colleagues and friends at the office.


Take advantage of virtual video calls and meetings. Share with them how your day went and listen to theirs. Talk about random stuff that makes you laugh. It will help you to unwind. 

4. Communication Gap

About 17% of remote workers found it difficult to collaborate and communicate smoothly with their team members daily. It leads to severe issues such as missing the deadline of the project, incomplete tasks and more.

We at Wolfmatrix use communication and project management software such as Slack and Asana to communicate and manage our project. These tools help us to stay connected with our team members and divide our tasks. (Complete detail on software in next section) 

5. Distraction at home

Statistics show that the majority of employees from the Millennials and Gen Z demographics found it challenging to manage the distractions at home while working. 

The same issue plagued around 47% of remote workers. 

Over 10% of remote workers revealed that they wasted more than three hours using their smartphones while working. 

The best way to avoid this type of distraction is by setting up a remote workspace with everything needed for the job. These workspaces include comfortable chairs and desks with plenty of space for working on projects, good lighting, and other features. It makes people feel at home in their environment to stay focused on what they need to do rather than getting sidetracked.

Section 6: Remote Work Software Stats

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 Software tools and technologies are necessary for people and organisations to adapt to this new way of working. 

You need reliable virtual collaboration tools so you can stay connected to your colleagues and complete your tasks.

Let’s go through some of the stats regarding widely used tools and software today.

1. Increase usage of employee monitoring tools

Work from home certainly brings challenges to management. They are seeking the help of monitoring tools to stay ahead and check on their remote employees’ progress. 

Covid-19 led companies worldwide to adopt monitoring tools and software. Its usage increased by 15%. 

Around 61% of business owners implemented constant manager-employee check-ins. On the other hand, 29% of the business owners didn’t measure remote workers’ productivity.

2. Increase usage of communication tools

Stats show that Slack has more than 12 million daily active users as of 2021. 90% of those users use a free version of the app. 

More than 750,000 organisation around the globe uses Slack. It is an impressive feat considering Slack is used in more than 150 countries out of 195 countries globally. 

3. Video meetings and conferences

Zoom Meetings is the world’s most-used web conferencing platform. It has more than 300 million daily meeting participants contributing to over 3.3 trillion annual meeting minutes. 

According to Sensor Tower’s data, Zoom’s mobile app is downloaded 38 million times in January 2021 across the App Store, and Google Play Store combined.

4. Rise of collaboration

The collaboration between the team members is the basis of remote work. The global online collaboration market will touch $13.5 billion by 2024, from $12.4 billion in 2019. 

Final Words

The benefits of working from home are undeniably appealing, yet it comes with its own set of challenges.

If you’ve never tried it before or your company hasn’t embraced remote work, now is a great time to explore what it could mean for you and your team. The flexibility and comfort of remote work might be the change you need to boost productivity and job satisfaction.

Have you tried working remotely, or do you know someone who does? We’d love to hear your thoughts. What do you think about remote work? Could it be a game-changer for your current company if flexible hours aren’t already offered?

These remote work statistics hopefully provided some valuable insights. Share your thoughts in the comments below.

At Wolfmatrix, we understand the power of remote work. As an app development company, we specialise in helping businesses across Australia build top-notch apps, all while working remotely. Whether you’re a startup or an established company, we provide seamless app development services tailored to your needs. Our remote team ensures that we deliver high-quality results without the constraints of traditional office settings. Partner with us and experience the efficiency and innovation that remote collaboration can bring to your projects.

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